The Big Debate

It wasn’t so long ago that many of us joined together in unison to clap for our NHS staff. A small gesture of appreciation for their hard work and dedication that kept our country going during such challenging times. Now, however, it seems the tide has turned. Those same people who we applauded, who sacrificed

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Winter Pressure & the NHS

There is nothing better than waking up to a clear, crisp day. Breathing in the cold, fresh air as we slip on our Wellington boots and head out for a brisk walk, can be more pleasurable than the heavy, humid days of summer. In many ways, the winter months can feel healthier. The air feels

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The Role of An Occupational Therapist in Covid-19

Not so long ago, when the Coronavirus pandemic was at its worst, many of us stood on our doorsteps, gardens and balconies in a weekly mass round of applause to show our appreciation for our UK nurses, carers, doctors and frontline staff. A small token to show that we were grateful for their hard work

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